Unveiling the Silent Struggle: Unconscious Bias in Maternal Healthcare for Black Women, Birthing People, & People of Color


Maternal healthcare is a sacred realm where every woman & birthing person, regardless of racial or ethnic background, should receive the best care possible during one of life’s most transformative experiences – childbirth. Yet, beneath this noble endeavor lies an unsettling truth: unconscious bias among healthcare providers can significantly impact the experiences and outcomes of black women, birthing people, and people of color.

The Hidden Dimensions
of Unconscious Bias

Unconscious bias, a subtle yet potent force, shapes healthcare providers’ interactions, decisions, and attitudes toward patients. It seeps into clinical encounters, tainting perceptions and influencing treatment plans without conscious awareness. In the context of maternal healthcare, this bias can manifest as overlooking symptoms, underestimating pain, and dismissing concerns, often leaving black women, birthing people, and people of color with suboptimal care.

The Disparities in
Maternal Health Outcomes

The repercussions of unconscious bias in maternal healthcare are starkly visible in the disparities in maternal health outcomes. Studies reveal that black women are more likely to experience higher maternal mortality rates, preterm births, endure inadequate pain management, and other adverse outcomes than their white counterparts. Biased perceptions of pain and resilience partly fuel this disparity. Black women & birthing people have reported that they are dismissed or disbelieved when reporting pain, leading to delayed diagnosis and treatment and dire consequences for them. These grim statistics reflect the impact of systemic bias that permeates healthcare institutions, resulting in unequal treatment and neglect of the needs of black birthing individuals.

Identifying Unconscious Bias:
The First Step Towards Change

Healthcare providers must acknowledge the presence of unconscious bias to dismantle its grip on maternal healthcare. Recognizing that bias can be unintentional and pervasive is the first step toward change. Self-awareness, introspection, and humility are crucial in breaking down the barriers that hinder effective, unbiased care. Healthcare providers must introspect, challenging their assumptions, attitudes, and stereotypes.

Addressing Unconscious Bias:
Practical Steps Forward

Cultural Competency Training: Healthcare providers need comprehensive cultural competence training to understand the significance of cultural differences, the unique challenges, and the historical context that shape the experiences of black women, birthing people, and people of color. This training should extend beyond surface-level awareness to deep-rooted understanding and empathy.

Implicit Bias Workshops: Institutions should organize workshops to raise awareness about unconscious bias and its implications. Encouraging open conversations among healthcare professionals can foster a culture of accountability and learning.

Diverse Representation: A diverse healthcare workforce can significantly mitigate unconscious bias. By increasing the representation of black and minority healthcare professionals, patients are more likely to feel understood, respected, and validated, thus reducing the impact of bias.

Patient-Centered Care: Embracing patient-centered care empowers black women, birthing people, and people of color to participate in healthcare decisions actively. Healthcare providers must create an environment where patients feel heard, understood, and valued, ensuring a collaborative approach to care. This approach not only boosts patient satisfaction but also reduces the impact of bias.

Continuous Evaluation and Accountability: Regularly monitoring and assessing outcomes based on race and ethnicity can hold healthcare institutions accountable for their actions. Transparent reporting of disparities can drive meaningful change and prompt targeted interventions.

Inclusive Policies and Protocols: Healthcare institutions should implement evidence-based, culturally sensitive protocols that address the unique needs of diverse populations. Standardizing care practices can mitigate variability driven by unconscious bias.

Mentorship and Advocacy Programs: Establishing mentorship programs for black healthcare professionals and creating advocacy initiatives can help address systemic bias and promote inclusivity within the healthcare workforce.


The journey to dismantling unconscious bias in maternal healthcare is an ongoing endeavor that requires a collective effort, unwavering commitment, and systemic change. As a reproductive psychologist, I hope this discussion paves the way for meaningful change. By acknowledging our biases, investing in education, fostering open dialogues, and promoting diversity, we can transform the maternal healthcare system into a truly equitable, compassionate, and respectful of every individual’s unique journey to motherhood.

I am a fertility psychologist in Los Angeles and offer complimentary 15-minute initial consultations. If you are a woman, birthing person, or couple seeking infertility counseling, you may click here to schedule an appointment.

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